The Annual NABT Evolution Symposium


The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) and NESCent co-sponsor a symposium on evolution at the annual National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) conference. The goal of the symposium is to bring applied and current evolutionary science to teachers for use in the classroom. Each year the symposium focuses on a different aspect of evolutionary science, and leading scientists give presentations on their research.  Videos of the presentations are available for most years. 

From 2006 to the present, a collection of topical educational resources are developed for each symposium. These collections include video clips, articles, classroom activities and other relevant resources. There is additional information about each presenter, along with resources specific to his or her presentation.  These resources are available on the web, and as CDs.  To request a CD, please contact

2014 - Evolution in Action

2013 - Wallace, Islands and Biogeography - 100 Years Later

2012 - Evolutionary Transformations: The legacies of two influential scientists on evolutionary thought

2011 - Changing Humans in a Changing Environment

2010 - Molecular Insights in Classic Examples of Evolution

2009 - Evolution in Extreme Environments

2008 - Illuminating Biology

2007 - Evolution: Applications in Human Health and Populations

2006 - Macroevolution

2005 - Evolution and the Environment

2004 - Evolutionary Science and Society