Video Testimonials

Below are all the testimonial videos submitted for the NESCent 10-year celebration along with others that didn't have time to air at the event. If you're a former NESCent participant, visitor, or partner and would like to share a testimonial, please e-mail

Lynn Fellman                                                                                                           Roy Plotnick                                                            


David Upegui                                                                                                           Jonathan Payne


Karen Strier                                                                                                               Joe Graves


Bruce Boller                                                                                                              Weigang Qiu


Dustin Rubenstein                                                                                                        Briana Pobiner



Dan Ksepka                                                                                                                 Rebecca Safran



Randy Nesse



Other Videos


Staff Appreciation Slideshow                                                                        Animal Decision Music Video