Course Coverage
Material Covered:
Detailed syllabi are not yet assembled, but in addition to the general topics outlined in the syllabus, students can expect to cover the following:
  1.     Scripting analysis pipelines, stringing programs together, and creating batch scripts
  2.     Parallelization of analyses over computer clusters
  3.     Building and querying phylogenetic databases
  4.     Designing web interfaces to programs and widgets
  5.     Parsing and writing nexus files; navigating, simulating, traversing, and drawing trees
  6.     Searching tree topologies in databases
  7.     Collaborative morphological character management
  8.     Genbank retrieval, data assembly,  alignment, automating base calling
  1.     Ancestral state reconstruction and optimization; continuous character reconstruction
  2.     Non-parametric and parametric bootstrapping
  3.     Automating model selection
  4.     Molecular clock and evolutionary rate tests; relative rate and ratio tests
  5.     Detecting recombination, positive selection, population structure